Evaluation Research
Consultation Services

Consultation services are provided in two areas:

Evaluation Research

Dr. Renner will work directly with the agency to go through the necessary steps to set up a useful evaluation methodology that will meet the standards for action-research. Action-research enables agencies to be self-knowing in contrast to relying on the services of an external evaluator.

Dr. Renner will meet with your agency to determine what would be required to create the capacity for action-research, and to describe the services he can provide. There is no fee for this initial consultation. He may then be engaged on a fee for service basis to assist in the establishment of an internal evaluation research capacity.

Professional Development Evaluation Research Workshop

Evaluation works best if there is a total commitment to the process by the organization, and when all parties understand what information is being collect and the purposes it will serve.

One way to build agency-wide support for an action-research model of evaluation is to provide staff with a professional development workshop that teaches the basic purposes and methods of evaluation research.

The workshops are generally one-half day (3 hours) in duration and can accommodate up to 30 people per session.

For a full description go to Evaluation Research Workshop in the Professional Development Area in the list of services provided in the window on the left side of the screen.

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